Thursday, July 12, 2012

Help needed!

Finally back in London after a crazy 3-week schedule in India - only to find our internet down, for SIX WHOLE DAYS! Have been dying to talk about the wonderful things that happened on the Jaal front, but what can you do when stymied by technology?! Well, at least all of you know that the three launches - House of Lords in London, Kingdom of Dreams in NCR/Delhi and Landmark, Hyderabad went off like a bomb! It was a real kick to see the book everywhere - from airports to big book-stores to hotel shops - and  to hear that it's doing so well. A friend, who also happens to be a Professor of Literature, told me how she and some colleagues were discussing the Kaal Trilogy, and concluded that if Jaal succeeds, it would herald a totally new and grippingly different genre and prose style to Indian writing. Thanks to all of you, and so many others who are picking up copies of the book and enjoying Arihant's journey 'across lands and mindscapes' (as the blurb of the book aptly announces!), the Kaal Trilogy just might end up doing exactly that.

I would like to personally thank every one who has commented on the book, have shared their thoughts and impressions with all of us. I hope more of you will get back to me with your reactions and responses - particularly now that I'm planning to gird myself and get down to writing the next book, Vikraal. Oh, and I'd particularly request those of you who have made unflattering remarks on the looks of this blog-site (with which I happen to entirely agree!) to give me some suggestions about how to make it look better! You see, I'm a technically challenged person who lives in cold terror of all such tools; even this sad excuse for a blog-site may not have existed if the publishers had not insisted that I start one! So any guidance/suggestion would be received with sincere gratitude!            

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